If you’re a pilot, you might want to consider the benefits of buying property on one of the non-ferry served islands. You will join a community of fellow pilots who love the fact they can fly into their island home in less than an hour from Seattle. Who wants to battle I-5 traffic if you don’t have to…?
Both Decatur Island and Center Island have private airstrips to meet the needs of their members who are pilots. Decatur Shores on Decatur Island has a 2500′ airstrip, with tie-down area midfield and also at the north end. An Airstrip Committee of volunteers keeps it mowed and well maintained. Developed in the late 1960’s, Decatur Shores is a 500-acre development with a few home sites along the airstrip and many others. All property owners have rights to use the private airstrip in addition to the deep-water dock and 10-acre waterfront park. In addition, some private airlines pay an annual fee to have airstrip access for delivering goods or people to the island. Islanders receive packages from UPS, FEDEX and Amazon by these private carriers.
Another option is Blakely Island, where the 2200′ asphalt runway can handle larger planes and often there are properties available with direct airstrip access.
Airstrip properties are often available on Center Island, where a private 1600′ airstrip is owned by the members of the Center Island Community Association.
Most of the properties in the community are located on the pretty tree-lined lanes that wind through the island. No cars are allowed so people use golf carts to navigate the 116 acre island. There are a few homes that have the ability to taxi to property line but most people live in other parts of the island. The community association also manages two deep-water docks, a clubhouse, RO water system and waterfront common areas. Full-time caretakers make sure that the island is well taken care of and secure.
The smaller islands have well-maintained airstrips, a great community of pilots and a fun community of people who love getting away from the crowded city and come to where life is a little quieter and nature abounds.